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发布时间: 2022-09-20 19:49:31

『壹』 FINANCE 翻译为财务、金融、财政怎样在中文中区别


*俗语道:“有钱出钱,有力出力”。这个“被”出的钱就是“财征”,“被”出的力就是“力征”——不给钱就打!(就是那种把卖茶叶蛋老奶奶的锅掀翻的角色哟亲~ ^_^)
P.S. 篆体“正攴”字,“正”右边不是“文”而是“攴”,“攴”的意思就是“揍”。而在“财征”“力征”这两个词语里,它只是个错别字——因为有背景,没人敢说破。

『贰』 请帮我翻译一下这些未翻译完的金融术语

Trust mobile short-term Treasury loans, infrastructure revolving loans, short-term loans closed, revolving loan, long-term Treasury Trust flow of loans and commissioning loans, credit loans, secured loans, discounted loans, the sale of credit, consumer credit, factoring Business, bond
Finance leases, integrated Credit, Credit Guarantee

City settlement, remote settlement, commissioned by the Business, oil, closed clearing, settlement related transactions

Value Security Investing
Bonds (including financial bonds, corporate bonds), funds, shares, trust procts

Through the inter-bank bond market and other financial institutions in the intermediation between the Treasury

Stock equity Investing
Financial institutions equity investment

International Business:
Exchange Trust loans, commissioned by the foreign exchange loans for International Settlements Business

Bond consignment:
System underwriting syndicate member units issued bonds to oil companies

Finance Consultation:
Group members and for the provision of financial advisory services unit

Exchange Settlement:
Foreign exchange, foreign currency exchange and the purchase of foreign currencies

Discount Notes
Non-financing bonds

ABC Company merge its subordinate units of the bank accounts in their respective enterprises generally established an internal Treasury settlement center, a centralized internal Treasury Management, Treasury swap places remaining internal units so that the Treasury substantially reced precipitation, mentioning

Treasury use of the high efficiency

Management Flatting changes by the financial authority to change the status of many of the division to ensure that the resources of the Treasury in the company within the scope of the overall deployment

Actively promote internal control and comprehensive Risk Management system, to prevent and control the risk, with the focus on recycling and prominent Process Process optimization, and content from extensive in both directions continued expansion Risk Management and Risk Control
Treasury and investment grade authorized limit approval Policy, including: XB Treasury expenditures authorized grading and classification approval Management, as well as project investment decision-making and grading classification Management to improve the Treasury Management and investment fields

Risk Management

Treasury and investment grade authorized limit approval Policy, including: XB Treasury expenditures authorized grading and classification approval Management, as well as project investment decision-making and grading classification Management to improve the Treasury Management and investment fields Risk Management

感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 Loan: <br> Trust mobile short-term Treasury loans, infrastructure revolving loans, short-term loans closed, revolving loan, long-term Treasury Trust flow of loans and commissioning loans, credit loans, secured loans, discounted loans, the sale of credit, consumer credit, factoring Business, bond <br> Business <br> Finance leases, integrated Credit, Credit Guarantee <br> <br> Balancing <br> City settlement, remote settlement, commissioned by the Business, oil, closed clearing, settlement related transactions <br> <br> Value Security Investing <br> Bonds (including financial bonds, corporate bonds), funds, shares, trust procts <br> <br> Offered: <br> Through the inter-bank bond market and other financial institutions in the intermediation between the Treasury <br> <br> Stock equity Investing <br> Financial institutions equity investment <br> <br> International Business: <br> Exchange Trust loans, commissioned by the foreign exchange loans for International Settlements Business <br> <br> Bond consignment: <br> System underwriting syndicate member units issued bonds to oil companies <br> <br> Finance Consultation: <br> Group members and for the provision of financial advisory services unit <br> <br> Exchange Settlement: <br> Foreign exchange, foreign currency exchange and the purchase of foreign currencies <br> <br> <br> Discount Notes <br> Non-financing bonds <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> ABC Company merge its subordinate units of the bank accounts in their respective enterprises generally established an internal Treasury settlement center, a centralized internal Treasury Management, Treasury swap places remaining internal units so that the Treasury substantially reced precipitation, mentioning <br> <br> Treasury use of the high efficiency <br> <br> <br> Management Flatting changes by the financial authority to change the status of many of the division to ensure that the resources of the Treasury in the company within the scope of the overall deployment <br> <br> <br> Actively promote internal control and comprehensive Risk Management system, to prevent and control the risk, with the focus on recycling and prominent Process Process optimization, and content from extensive in both directions continued expansion Risk Management and Risk Control <br> Treasury and investment grade authorized limit approval Policy, including: XB Treasury expenditures authorized grading and classification approval Management, as well as project investment decision-making and grading classification Management to improve the Treasury Management and investment fields <br> <br> Risk Management <br> <br> <br> Treasury and investment grade authorized limit approval Policy, including: XB Treasury expenditures authorized grading and classification approval Management, as well as project investment decision-making and grading classification Management to improve the Treasury Management and investment fields Risk Management


『叁』 关于金融工程中一些专业英语词汇的翻译问题

hedge risks 这里的hedge如果是动词的话,应该是指风险对冲

call 看涨(通常是call option,看涨期权)

put 看跌 与上面相反

long position 多头

open interest (抱歉,不了解)

to lock in the price 应该指锁定价格,这个通常要通过买卖金融衍生品完成。举个例子比如你预期一个现价25元股票价格会跌,就要买入一个看跌期权(买入期权所花的钱通常比较少),这样当股票价格真的跌到25元以下,你就执行期权,用合同定好的价格(如25元)卖出这个期权。这样在股票市场上你虽然亏了,但在期权市场上却赚了,两者几乎抵消。这个过程就是锁定价格

At-the-money option
In-the-money option
Out-of-the-money option

『肆』 银行金融用语中相关用语的翻译(在线等)

现开:Ouverture de compte en espèce
现销:Annulation de compte en espèce
配折原因: Raison d'accompagnement carnet
破损换发:Changement en raison d'endommagement
四十四万整 : quatre cent quarante milles

『伍』 问4个英语金融术语的中文翻译

Equity Valuation(股票估值) ,Derivatives(衍生工具),Seminar in Equity Trading (股票交易研讨会),Asset Valuation and Derivative Pricing(资产估值与衍生工具定价)


『陆』 聪明的投资者这本书翻译的好难懂,是不是


『柒』 金融词汇 Spread to Libor 是什么意思



所以个人感觉应该三楼 bwcan 的说法比较准确吧,就是指LIBOR的利差吧~不过我在自己的英文版金融学教材里面好像没看到过这种说法,只看到过LIBOR spraed,感觉意思应该一样吧。。。


『捌』 金融行业翻译要求很高吗是不是很多翻译公司都可以做金融翻译

金融行业包括,外汇,银行、保险、证券、风险投资(VC ), 基金、私募股权等方向,本身的专业性就很强,如果要求专业金融翻译的话,则对译文的要求更高,不仅双语转换功底很好,更是对专业财经知识提出很高的要求。北京外言翻译公司,凭靠北京外国语大学高翻学院,多语言服务中心等得天独厚的语言服务资源,特设专业财经金融翻译方向,为众多金融系统企事业单位提供文件笔译,会议口译等语言翻译服务。业务涉及,私募股权,外汇,银行、保险等多方向的语言翻译服务。已逐渐成为众多企事业单位值得信赖的专业财经翻译服务品牌。

『玖』 金融英语几个词汇翻译,大家帮忙啊

opening cash balance 期初现金结余
petty cash 零用现金
cash to CSA 到CSA去的现金
cash from csa 从CSA来的现金
cash to officer 给官员的现金
cash officer 柜台业务主管

CSA有几种意思:1 Canadian Standards Association加拿大标准协会2 Community Supported Agriculture社区支持农业 3 Control Self-Assessment自我控制评估 4 一家美国公司的股票代码Cogdell Spencer Inc.(CSA)或者是Chilesat Corp SA(CSA) 5 Canadian Securities Administrator加拿大证券监管委员会


『拾』 金融英语 能不能帮我翻译一下 在线翻译的太不对了~谢谢啦 会加分的

A simple correlation is estimated across the variables considered in this study. The results are depicted in Table 1. It clearly shows that inflation rate (I) is negatively associated with all the other variables where as nominal (R) and real stock returns (R-I) are positively associated with the growth of real output (GR).
Further we examined the stationary property of the series using anAugmented Dickey–Fuller Test. The results are presented in Table 2 and it shows that all the series are stationary at level.
我们进一步用Augmented Dickey–Fuller Test检验了这些系列中的固定资产。这个结果显示在表格2中,它显示了所有的组都是固定的。
The estimates from Eq. (1) clearly show that there exists a significant negative relationship between real stock return and inflation. Table 3 provides the results.
After purging the effects of output in the inflation using Eq. (2), we estimated Eq. (3) with the estimated resial from Eq. (2) along with the lagged, contemporaneous and leading levels of growth in real output.2 The results show that the resial has a significant negative relationship along the lines of Chatrath et al. (1996). The results are given in Table 4.
Even after purging the output effect in the inflation, it still shows a negative relationship with real return that nullifies Fama's hypothesis that this negative relationship between real stock return and inflation is linked through output.
Now, the Inflation (I) is decomposed into the expected and unexpected portion through an ARMA model suggested by Box and Jenkins (1976). ACF and PACF indicate ARMA (1, 0) to be a good specification of the Inflation series. Further the resials obtained from this model satisfy all the diagnostic check for randomness. The fitted and the resial series from this specification are considered as expected [E(I)] and unexpected [UE(I)] portion of the Inflation series.With the derived components Eq. (1a) is estimated and the results are presented in Table 5.
The results clearly show that the decomposition of the Inflation series into expected and unexpected components are not giving different effects. Both the expected and unexpected components are found to have negatively significant relationship with the real stock return

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